write: poetry


A road ahead is clearly seen,
a road tread by many before,
it proved right for others of kin,
but maybe there's even more?

Maybe a bush, so nondescript,
hides a fruit of unknown inside,
the confines of the road feel strict,
why them are what should i abide?

The ground where now the damned road was,
How had it shown a path back then?
There was no border not to cross,
But now it's like animal pen

Just use your legs, stray from the line,
no need to queue proven or not,
i'm sure there's something to gain,
explore, there is to see a lot.


A leaf is hurled and swriled with force,
the wind shakes angrily longing
to find out why, what is the source
of all the pain, cause of mourning?

Is it the trees that he caressed,
is it the waves he raised and pushed,
Is it the words he was so blessed
to carry, by lovers uttered

A leaf is torn apart, wind groans,
can't do more now than flip a coin,
his might erodes the sturdiest stones,
but those apart he can't rejoin


The Sun shines bright,
just like your smile,
it spreads the warmth,
makes life worthwhile.

The Sun burns hot,
just like your soul,
it doesn't stop,
before its goal.

The Sun took form,
in harsh dark space,
like you had borne,
past left a trace.

The Sun loves all,
like you brings joys,
grownups feel small,
play with their toys.

For you I'll fight,
I will not run,
Life has no night,
with you, my Sun.


A wave of time
erodes the shore,
just on a whime
you know no more

of past mistakes,
of past amends,
of what still aches,
of long lost friends.

may just it be,
until today,
you lived not here,
but years away.

the time has let
your mind to flee,
today you're set
finally free.


Out there, outside the glass,
See? Behind that tree,
wild flowers and green grass,
Let's lay there, shall we?

Or maybe on this house,
the red one, you know
we could sit with the crows,
look at men below

Oh, I know what to do,
let's get a small ship,
you, me, will be its crew,
world will be it's trip

We'll sail and ride and walk...
Hmm? You want a snack?
I should stop crazy talk?
You're right let's go back